Saturday, October 11, 2014

Nail food 101

  Excessive use of nail color not only make nails look yellow they can get rough edges as well. The nail looses its shine due to the chemicals making it difficult for you to carry them clean in public.

  Regular manicures pedicures is a definite answer but they are expensive and what if you can't get them regularly every month?

  The simplest solution for nail color addicts is almond oil. The minute you take off that color apply almond oil around the nails and massage a little. Clean the rest with a dry wash cloth. The oil wont bother you much on the hands as the nails will be dry enough to soak it. 

  This does wonders it is like nail food. Almond oil also makes the nails look shiny over the period of regular use. 

  If you don't have almond oil you can also purchase the Almond oil stick by The Body Shop. It works like magic for the nails. Massaging every night gives you manicure nails every freaking day.

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